Golden Reel Qualifier No17, Larford Lakes, Sunday 30th July 2023

Conditions for this latest qualifier were heavy rain overnight, very strong breeze, showers and partial sunshine with highs of around 22C

What a qualifier with tremendous weights recorded on both lake despite the near impossible wind conditions, plenty of carp and bream caught.

Winner today and into his second Golden Reel Final is Peter Upperton who drew peg 14 on the Specimen Lake Burr.
Pete fished a tremendous match, landing a massive 433-8-0 of huge carp.
His best fish went 24lb 6oz and the rest averaged 15-20lbs. Pete caught on the meat down his edges.
In all he could have weighed more as he lost a number of big fish at the net.

Second on the day was Perry Stone who qualifies for the Semi Final.
Perry drew peg 19 on the Specimen Chalet bank, weighing in 248-0-0 of big carp and bream.
Perry fished the method feeder short and pole down his edges, fish meat and corn. Perry also landed some big fish, one at 26lbs 6oz, another carp at 24lbs and two fish at a level 20lbs each.

Third overall, was Andy Christie from peg 12 on the Specimen Burr.
Andy weighed in 246-8-0 of big carp all caught down his edge on dead reds over ground bait.
Andy is rewarded with a Semi Final placing.

Fourth to frame was John Jones from peg 10 on the Specimen Burr with 231-11-0, John caught on the method feeder at 16m and down his edges.

Fifth placed Mark Griffiths was top scorer on the Match Lake with 216-15-0 from peg 20 on the Match Burr.
A brilliant weight, but only enough for 5th place overall, amazing!!

In all 22 weights of over 100lbs was recorded, 7 weights over 200lbs and the top weight of 433-8-0lbs on the day by Pete Upperton.

Qualifier – Peter Upperton

Semi Finalists –
Perry Stone
Andy Christie

Section A 1-11 Match Peg 6 Steve Forster 204-8-0
Section B 12-23 Match Burr peg 20 Mark Griffiths 216-15-0
Section C 1-10 Speci Burr Peg 9 Cody Rushton 182-11-0
Section D 11-20 Speci Burr / chalet  peg 20 Rob Harber 110-9-0
Section E 21-29 Speci Chalet peg 21 John Harvey 143-13-0